While thoughts are still fresh in my mind, I wanted to write about the devastation I felt when Naomi Judd fell into the deep depression from mental illness, taking her own life. What could have been her thoughts? Why did she have such depressed feelings that outweighed her love of the Lord? How could someone who seemingly had everything fall into such a deep feeling of despair?
I think I can answer some of those questions as I have felt depression in my own life and it was so overwhelming. Fortunately, I didn’t stay on medication prescribed for me as I didn’t like the way it made me feel. I think my depression stemmed from my environment at the time and having felt so much guilt. As soon as I was away from that environment, I was well again. So, environment, surroundings can put one (as it did me) into a state of depression.
With May being "Mental Health Awareness Month", I felt this was a good time to write about how depression will creep into one's life without his/her knowledge. Some people do require medication, however, I was one of the fortunate ones who didn't. I found my remedy in my faith, my relationship with Christ. Even though, I still have short-bouts with depression, I can come right back to where I need to be with reading God's word along with prayer and a good devotional. I am fortunate and thankful that medication is not required.
It's so ironic that the Judds' music gave a hope with so many positive songs. One of my favorites is "Grandpa, tell me 'bout the good ole days". Here are its words:
Grandpa, tell me 'bout the good old days...
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