Always My Hero

Many people are probably wondering why the Springfield News-Sun wrote a story in their "unsung heros" series about my husband on the front page Thanksgiving day and I never have written a story about him in over 11 years I have published magazines. That’s a good wonder! Here are two reasons: one is that his good friend Marty Rastatter submitted his name to the News-Sun and two I have always respected my husband’s wishes by not bringing any attention to his volunteer work. He wants his rewards in Heaven, not on this earth. Although the newspaper story was excellent…I wanted to respect my husband’s wishes and try to always oblige.

Now, since that is said…here is my story about Patrick M. Hayes…

He is a man who knows his frailties, but knows God loves him just the same. Pat is a guy who has a heart as big as the world and wants everyone to know what Jesus has done for him in his life. He wants to share the Gospel with all who wants to hear. He has been the Juvenile Center Chaplain for over 17 years. I am very proud of him. In addition, he volunteers his time at our local hospital one day a week and volunteers many hours at our church.

What I love most about him is that he loves me “just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her…” (Ephesians 5:25 NKJV).

He will always be "my hero"!

 NewsSun Article

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